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What is a Pediatric Dentist? 


A pediatric Dentist has extra two to three years of specialized training after dental school. They are dedicated primarily to the oral care of infants, children, and teens. Every child is different and each age group needs different approaches  in dealing with their behavior, guiding their dental growth and development, and helping them avoid future dental problems. Pediatric dentist specialize in the individual care of each child and are qualified to meet their needs.



Dental Emergencies


Clean the area around the problem tooth. Rinse mouth thoroughly or gently floss to dislodge anything that may be impacting tooth. If the pain still exists, call your dentist. If the face is swollen, apply cold compress and contact your dentist immediately. 


Cut or bitten lip, cheek, or tongue: 


If there is bleeding, apply firm but gentle pressure with gauze or towel. Apply ice to reduce swelling. If bleeding can not be controlled, call your dentist or doctor.



Knocked Out Permanent Tooth: If possible, find the tooth. Handle it by the crown, not by the root. You may rinse the tooth with water only. DO NOT clean with soap, scrub or handle the tooth unnecessarily. Inspect the tooth for fractures. If it is sound, try to reinsert it in the socket. Have the patient hold the tooth in place by biting on a gauze or clean cloth. If you cannot reinsert the tooth, transport the tooth in a cup containing the patient’s saliva or milk, NOT water. If the patient is old enough, the tooth may also be carried in the patient’s mouth (beside the cheek). The patient must see a dentist IMMEDIATELY! Time is a critical factor in saving the tooth.


Knocked Out Baby Tooth: Contact your pediatric dentist.  Unlike with a permanent tooth, the baby tooth should not be replanted due to possible damage to the developing permanent tooth.  In most cases, no treatment is necessary.


Chipped/Fractured Permanent Tooth: Time is a critical factor, contact your pediatric dentist immediately so as to reduce the chance for infection or the need for extensive dental treatment in the future. Rinse the mouth with water and apply a cold compress to reduce swelling.  If you can find the broken tooth piece, bring it with you to the dentist.


Chipped/Fractured Baby Tooth: Contact your pediatric dentist.



Mouth Guards for children

Mouth guards are important pieces of equipment for child that are participating in any recreational or sporting activity. When the mouth guard is fitted properly over the top teeth, they can help protect the entire oral cavity from serious injury. Thus, helping preserve both the appearance and the health of your child's smile.



How do X-rays work?

X-rays are a vital part of dentistry- after all, there's a lot going on in the little smiles that our team just can't always see on the surface! At the Children's Dental Center, we are proud to invest in the latest technology to provide the highest quality care to our wonderful patients. We want to ensure our patients are comfortable and getting the best treatment possible. This is why Dr. Jones has chosen to used advance digital technology for faster, safer and more comprehensive results. Instead of relying on traditional film that is slowly  developed, digital x-rays are easily captured with high-tech cameras that are then transferred to our computer system withing seconds! Dr. Jones strongly recommends that children undergo basic X-rays at least once a year, with comprehensive panoramic X-rays captured every three years. 


  • Once the images are successfully captured, our team can magnify them, rotate them, and even color-code them so that children and parents alike better understand what they’re looking at!

  • There’s no hazardous chemical use with digital X-rays.

  • Digital X-rays reduce radiation exposure by anywhere from 40%-80% when compared to traditional X-rays, which means they are safer for your child to do.









What is Pulp Therapy?

The pulp of a tooth is the inner, central core of the tooth. The pulp contains nerves, blood vessels, connective tissue and restorative cells. The purpose of pulp therapy is to maintain the vitality of the affected tooth (so the tooth is not lost).

Dental caries (cavities) and traumatic injury are the main reasons for a tooth to require pulp therapy. Pulp therapy is often referred to as a "nerve treatment", "children's root canal", "pulpectomy" or "pulpotomy". The two common forms of pulp therapy in children's teeth are the pulpotomy and pulpectomy.

A pulpotomy removes the diseased pulp tissue within the crown portion of the tooth. Next, an agent is placed to prevent bacterial growth and to calm the remaining nerve tissue. This is followed by a final restoration (usually a stainless steel crown).

A pulpectomy is required when the entire pulp is involved (into the root canal(s) of the tooth). During this treatment, the diseased pulp tissue is completely removed from both the crown and root. The canals are cleansed, disinfected and, in the case of primary teeth, filled with an absorb-able material. Then, a final restoration is placed. A permanent tooth would be filled with a non-absorbing material.



Frenectomy in children

With Dr. Jones's  superior knowledge and experience, he can treat virtually any dental need your child might have including both lingual and maxillary frenectomies. While it may sound complicated, a frenectomy is simply the removal of a frenum. A frenum is a muscular attachment between two tissues. There are two of them in the mouth, and they can sometimes obstruct normal function. When this is the case, a frenectomy will be recommended. Dr. Jones possess the skills to remove a tight frenum with laser frenectomy, a fast, virtually painless, and anesthesia-free procedure.

  • Virtually pain-free

  • Requires no anesthesia, which is especially important for infant-care

  • Takes only one to two minutes, for the whole procedure

  • Has a much lower risk of infection

  • Produces very little bleeding

  • Requires no sutures

  • Provides for a shorter healing and recovery time




Adult teeth coming in behind baby teeth

This is a common occurrence with children, usually the result of a lower, primary (baby) tooth not falling out when the permanent tooth is coming in.  In most cases if the child starts wiggling the baby tooth, it will usually fall out on its own within two months. If it doesn't, then contact your pediatric dentist, where they can easily remove the tooth.  The permanent tooth should then slide into the proper place.















Dr. Jones understands how fear and anxiety can overcome your little on, making the necessary treatment more difficult. In some cases, children may be too young to sit still on their own or have special need that need accommodation. However, at The Children's Dental Center, Dr. Jones offers safe and effective sedation that can lead to a more relaxed visit. Oral sedation is a frequent recommendation, and it is very effective in helping patients feel genuinely calm and at ease. A variety of liquid medications are available for this purpose, and we will be sure to review the potency of the medication, the potential side effects, and what to expect beforehand to parents. We now offer in-house, IV sedation.  Dr. Jones will discuss the best options for your child and you.



Special needs care

At The Children's Dental Center we work hard to make everyone feel comfortable. Dr. Jones's and his trained staff think all children are unique and deserve the highest quality care. With that being said, we also understand that some of our fun and bright children face significant challenges in their life.  We want to make sure that no matter the challenge we are here to bend over backwards and give the best and most comfortable care. Regular visits are essential for all children. However, it is particularly vital for children who face certain behavioral, physical, or cognitive challenges. By making sure your child visits their special needs kid's dentist with regular dental checkups, you give us an opportunity to spot dental problems before they become severe. Allowing us to treat such issues early on may spare your child from cavities and other painful conditions down the road. If your child has special needs, we’ll be happy to sit down and talk with you about their unique situation. We’ll put together a strategy for making sure your child’s smile stays as healthy as possible despite the challenges they may face in life and work closely with you to ensure their dental visits are something they look forward to. 


Early infant oral care:


Your child's first dental visit: 


American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) and Dr. Jones recommends seeing a dentist for the first time when your child's teeth start appearing or no later than their first birthday/ 

You can make the first visit to the dentist enjoyable and positive. If old enough, your child should be informed of the visit and told that the dentist and their staff will explain all procedures and answer any questions. 

It is best if you refrain from using words around your child that might cause unnecessary fear, such as needle, pull, drill or hurt. The Children's Dental Center of Rock Springs  practice of using words that convey the same message, but are  non-frightening to your child.




When should my baby start getting their teeth? 

Since every child is different, it is hard to exactly pin-point when they will get their primary teeth (baby teeth). Some children get them early as others may get them late. In general, between 6-8 months is when you could expect seeing a tooth. The first baby teeth to appear are usually the lower front (anterior). 























Baby bottle tooth decay


A serious form or tooth decay among young children is baby bottle tooth decay. This is caused by frequent and/or long exposure of an infants teeth to sugary drinks. This includes but is not limited to, milk, breast milk, formula,  juices, or other sweetened drinks. 

Putting a child to bed for a nap or at night with a bottle with something in it other than water can cause rapid tooth decay. The sugary liquid pools around the teeth, giving plaque bacteria an opportunity to produce acids that attack tooth enamel. 

After each feeding you should wipe down your child's mouth with a damp wash cloth or gauze to help remove plaque. 

If your child must go to sleep with a bottle, try making sure that the bottle only contains water. 





Care of your child's teeth


Brushing Tips:

  • Starting at birth, clean your child's gums with a soft cloth and water.

  • As soon as your child's teeth erupt, brush them with a soft-bristled toothbrush.

  • If they are under the age of 2, use a small "smear" of toothpaste.

  • If they're 2-5 years old, use a "pea-size" amount of toothpaste.

  • Be sure and use an ADA-accepted fluoride toothpaste and make sure your child does not swallow it.

  • When brushing, the parent should brush the child's teeth until they are old enough to do a good job on their own.

Flossing Tips:

  • Flossing removes plaque between teeth and under the gum line where a toothbrush can't reach.

  • Flossing should begin when any two teeth touch.

  • Be sure and floss your child's teeth daily until he or she can do it alone.


Good Diet

Healthy eating habit help establish healthy teeth. Like the rest of the body, the teeth, bones and the soft tissues of the mouth need a well-balanced diet. Too much sugar in food can lead to a higher risk of cavities. Children should eat a variety of foods from the five major food groups. When choosing snacks make sure to choose nutritious foods such as vegetables, low-fat yogurt, and low-fat cheese, which are healthier and better for children’s teeth.










How to help prevent tooth decay

Good oral hygiene removes bacteria and the left over food particles that combine to create cavities.

  • For infants, use a wet gauze or clean washcloth to wipe the plaque from teeth and gums.

  • Avoid putting your child to bed with a bottle filled with anything other than water.

  • For older children, brush their teeth at least twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste.Clean between their teeth with floss at least once a day. Use dental products that have the ADA Seal of Acceptance 

  • If your child is having sugary foods and drinks, have them with meals. Saliva increases during meal time and helps neutralize acid and rinse food particles from the mouth.

  • Limit sugary drinks and snacks between meals. Remember, sports drinks have sugar in them, too. 

  • If you do choose to snack, choose food that are low in sugar.

  • Drink water

  • Chew sugarless gum that has the ADA seal. Chewing gum for 20 minutes after meals has been shown to reduce tooth decay. This is because increased saliva flow helps neutralize acid and wash out food. 

  • The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends visits every six months to the pediatric dentist, beginning at your child’s first birthday. Routine visits will start your child on a lifetime of good dental health.

Your pediatric dentist may also recommend protective sealants or home fluoride treatments for your child


What is the best toothpaste for my child? 


Brushing your teeth is one of the most important tasks for good oral health. Brushing two times a day or after every meal be reduce your child's risk of cavities. Looks for a tooth paste that is recommended by the American Dental Association as shown on the box and tube. These toothpastes have undergone testing to insure they are safe to use. 

Use a smear of toothpaste and brush for at least 2 minutes, and reaching all of your child's teeth. Make sure to have your  child spit the excess toothpaste out.












Fluoride is a naturally occurring element, which has shown to prevent tooth decay by as much as 50-70%, Despite the advantages, too little or too much fluoride can be detrimental to the teeth. With little or no fluoride, the teeth aren’t strengthened to help them resist cavities. Excessive fluoride ingestion by young children can lead to dental fluorosis, which is typically a chalky white discoloration (brown in advanced cases) of the permanent teeth. Be sure to follow your pediatric dentist’s instructions on suggested fluoride use and possible supplements, if needed.

You can help by using a fluoride toothpaste and only a smear of toothpaste (the size of a grain of rice) to brush the teeth of a child less than 3 years of age. For children 3 to 6 years old, use a "pea-size" amount of toothpaste and perform or assist your child’s tooth brushing. Remember that young children do not have the ability to brush their teeth effectively on their own.




The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) recognizes the benefits of xylitol on the oral health of infants, children, adolescents, and persons with special health care needs.


Studies using xylitol as either a sugar substitute or a small dietary addition have demonstrated a dramatic reduction in new tooth decay, along with some reversal of existing dental caries. Xylitol provides additional protection that enhances all existing prevention methods. This xylitol effect is long-lasting and possibly permanent. Low decay rates persist even years after the trials have been completed.


Xylitol is widely distributed throughout nature in small amounts. Some of the best sources are fruits, berries, mushrooms, lettuce, hardwoods, and corn cobs. One cup of raspberries contains less than one gram of xylitol.


Studies suggest xylitol intake that consistently produces positive results ranged from 4-20 grams per day, divided into 3-7 consumption periods. Higher results did not result in greater reduction and may lead to diminishing results. Similarly, consumption frequency of less than 3 times per day showed no effect.

If you child can chew gum, look into gums that have xylitol in them.

To find gum or other products containing xylitol, try visiting your local health food store or search the Internet to find products containing 100% xylitol.

For more questions about xylitol, ask your pediactic dentist. 










Pediatric dentist
Dental Emergencies
Best Toothpaste
What is Pulp Therapy
Adult teeth
Your childs first visit
first teeth
baby bottle tooth decay
care for teeth
good diet
help prevent cavities
Mouth Guard
Special needs
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