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First Visit


At Children's Dental Center of Rock Springs, we refrain from using words around your children that may cause unnecessary anxiety such as "needle", "shot", "pull", "drill", or "hurt". Dr. Jones and his staff use words that convey the same message but are pleasant and non-frightening to your child.

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and Dr. Jones recommends that a child’s first dental visit should be when the first tooth has appeared (6 to 12 months) or no later than the first birthday since dental problems can begin early in life. 


At Children's Dental Center of Rock Springs, we offer oral sedation, Nitrous Oxide sedation (laughing gas) as well as in office IV-Sedation, and hospital anesthesiology. Dr. Jones has hospital privileges at Memorial Hospital of Sweetwater County and the Sweetwater Surgery Center. No need to travel out of town for your child's dental needs!


The AAPD has a video segment entitled "Your Child's First Dental Visit" on YouTube. The segment emphasizes the importance of the age-1 visit and provides a general summary of what parents can expect during that visit. We hope this video brings some ease and welcome to your child’s first visit. Click here to view









 How was your first visit? We'd love to hear from you. Please leave us a review!

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